August 27, 2011


I have sat down countless time to begin writing a new post, only to continue sitting there staring at the blank text box.  It isn't that I don't have anything that I could write about, it is just that I don't necessarily find my life interesting.  So, I talked to my friend Sarah, who blogs every single day (I think it is just so she can show me up.) and she said I should just ramble and see where that takes me, it goes.

I am currently studying 2 Peter.  Growing up I was always told the importance of reading my Bible, so I did.  I would read, put it down, pick it up again to read a different chapter.  This was an ongoing cycle throughout my childhood until the point that I was in college.  I have recently given up on that mindset. I have noticed that although I knew all the Bible "stories," there was so much that I didn't know at all (like 2 Peter for example).  I now study the Bible rather than just simply reading it.  It's no longer about how much I can read, but how much can I actually live out. 

Now...on to the next thing I can ramble about.

Yeah....I've got nothing else to ramble about. 

Study 2 Peter.  You won't regret it.  :-)


  1. Wonderful ramble! :) I'm so proud.
    I think you and Other Sarah will appreciate this song:

  2. Random Note:
    The program from my new church lists an Adult Bible Fellowship course that is studying the "Book of 2nd Peter". Just so you know...

  3. You should join it! It truly is life changing. Promise. :-)
