March 11, 2012

My National Holiday

As of yesterday I am officially 1 year older!  That's right, yesterday was my 23rd birthday - or as I like to call it "National Day of Chelsea"  :)  

I have known for months that I was going to have to work on my birthday.  I am the Event Coordinator at an inn and I scheduled an event on the night of my birthday.  (I tried avoiding it, but unfortunately it wasn't possible.)  As much as I like to say that the anniversary of my birth is a national holiday in all honesty birthdays have never truly been a big deal, but regardless, no one wants to work noon to midnight on their birthday.

Anyway....I was kind of down about this whole situation assuming that my birthday would pass by and feel like every other day.  I was wrong.  I have to admit that 23 turned out to be one of my most memorable birthdays to date. 

Annelise came back from GA & made me a Funfetti cake. - Our yearly tradition.  :)
Dinner with Momma & Daddy.
BEAUTIFUL flowers delivered to work from
my grandparents!
WHITE SOX tickets from Momma, Daddy, & Olly!  --  In case you didn't know, I pretty much love the White Sox!  :)


These are just a few of the things that made my birthday special.  My co-workers, friends, & family went above and beyond this year.  I am so blessed, and so thankful to have so many amazing people in my life who love me and want me to feel special.  <3  

Bring it on 23!


March 7, 2012

On the Farm

Spring is almost here! 

I had a few consecutive days off this week, so of course I came back home to my parents house, and I was quickly reminded that it is almost Spring, and therefore lambing is in full force around here.

In the last two weeks we have had six new additions to our little farm.  Four baby lambs and two baby goats have joined the family, and we have more lambs on the way. 

The first two of our 4 baby lambs on the day they were born.

Stein - (Stine? - I'm not sure how they are spelling it.)  He was the first of the new additions.

Sampson - He is a triplet, but due to complications, the other two didn't make it.  Unfortunately, we lost his Momma a few days after he was born.  He is now being bottle fed, and from what I can see he is loving the extra attention.

It has definitely been a crazy couple of weeks around here and it is keeping my family quite busy.  Because I no longer live at home I am able to escape the madness, but I have discovered (much to my surprise) that I really miss it.  Growing up I hated the constant work of raising animals, and literally counted the days until I could move away.  Now that I am living an hour and a half away without a single pet I have to admit that I miss it and look forward to any chance that I have to come back. 

It's funny how life works.  I never realized what a blessing this life was until I left it.
